The visit to this Sri Varatharaja Perumal Temple at Siruvapuri was a part of “Gajaprishta Vimana Temples visit – Part-2 on 07th May 2023. This place Siruvapuri is now called as Chinnambedu, on the south side of River Arani.
Moolavar : Sri Varadharaja Perumal
Consort : Sri Perundevi Thayar
Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple complex is facing west with a 5 tier Rajagopuram on the east side. The complex consists of an east facing Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple and west facing Varadharaja Perumal Temple.
In the inner praharam / mandapam, sannidhi for Venugopala. Venu Gopala is in standing posture with 4 hands. Holding sankha and chakra. Rukmmini is standing next to him. Thirumanjanam will be done on Rohini nakshtra day.
In the outer praharam, Perundevi Thayar, Chakrathalwar ( Chakrathalwar is carved out of a stone slab on both sides and there is no Narashimha ), Hanuman and Andal. Thayar and Andal sannidhis are facing east in separate temples.
Perundevi Thayar Sannidhi mukha mandapam pillar bas-reliefs are little different from the Sri Srinivasa Perumal and Sri Varadharaja Perumal mandapam pillars. The bas reliefs are the combination of Vaishnava and Jain Sculptures. The Jain bas-reliefs are Prashvanathar, Tirthankaras. How did these Jain bas-reliefs came to a Vishnu temple is not known.
Srinivasa Perumal Temple….. Srinivasa Perumal is little tall facing east with 4 hands, holding sankha and Chakra in the upper hands, lower right hand is in abhaya hastan and left hand is in uru hastam with a gada / mace. Sridevi and Bhudevi ( Ubhaya Nachiyar )are on both sides along with Nagars. Theese nagars are considered as Adiseshan. There is no Utsava murtis in front of the moolavar. Thirumanjanam is done on every pournami day. Alwars are in antarala.
Varadharaja Perumal Temple …. This temple is facing west with Dwajasthambam / Kodimaram, Balipeedam and Periya Thiruvadi / Garudan. Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of Sanctum Sanctorum. Sri Devi and Bhudevi are with Varadharaja Perumal. Moolavar is made of stucco. Moolavar is in standing posture, holding sankha and Chakra in the upper hands and lower right hand is in abhaya hastam and left hand is in uru hastam. Moolavar is a theenda thirumeni ie, priests do not touch the moolavar. Since the moolavar is made of stucco Thailakappu is done once in a year on Karthigai Deepam day ( Nov – December ). On that day only curd rice is offered as a naivedyam. Utsavamurti Varadar is in front of Moolavar along with Sridevi and Bhudevi. Varadar is in abhaya varada hastam. Perundevi Thayar Utsava murti is also in this sannidhi. Thirumanjanam is done on every amavasya day.
Sri Lakshmi Narayana Perumal sannidhi … This sannidhi is in the ardha mandapam of Sri Varadharaja Perumal sannidhi facing south. Lakshmi Narayana is with 4 hands, holding sankha and chakra in the upper hands and lower right hand is in abhaya hastam and left hand is holding Lakshmi, who seated on the left lap of Narayanar. The sannidhi koshtams do not have any images.
The temple was constructed with stone from adhisthanam to Prastaram. Sri Varadharaja Perumal sanctum sanctorum is on an upanam. The prastaram consists of Valapi with madhalai and kapotam. The 3 tier Vimanam above the prastaram is of sala style with 5 kalasas. The vimanam is called as Puniyakodi Vimanam. The niches / koshtams do not have any images, instead the east koshtam has the inscription stone.
The Maha mandapa was built during Vijayanagara period. The pillars has the bas reliefs like Lakshmi Hayagreeva, Rama, Vira Anjaneya, Thirivikrama, Vamana with Mabali Chakravarthi, Rama, Narasimha coming out of the Pillar, Vijayanagara period iconic relief of Herder, Dwarapalakas painted with golden Colour, etc.
The inner mandapa also has the bas reliefs of Maha Vishnu’s various avatars, Gandabrunda, etc,.
It is believed that this temple exists since Pallva period, considering the stucco image of the moolavar. Latter the temple received contributions from Chozhas and Vijayanagaras. Other than this there is no evidence to prove its antiquity.
The inscription on the east side niche / koshtam of the Sri Varadharaja Perumal temple belongs to 1903, February month. The inscription records the starting the construction of this Sri Bhumi Neela Samedha Sri Vardaharaja Peumal temple vimanam by Paiyyur Kottam Chinnambedu Village Mirasudhars.
As per sthalapurana Rama’s son Lava and Kusa were taught archery by the sage Valmiki in this place. They also worshipped Sri Varadharaja Perumal of this temple.
Apart from regular poojas are done as per vaikhanasa agama special poojas are conducted on Brahmotsavam and Garuda seva ( same time and day of Kanchipuram Sri Varadharaja Perumal Temple – Vaikasi Visakam ), Venugopala Sri jayanthi, Pavitrotsavam in Avani, Karthigai Deepam, 10days Navaratri Utsavam, and Kalyana Utsavam in March.
The temple opening and closing times are un predictable.
CMBT Buses are available from Periyapalayam, Ponneri, Redhills etc.
The place Siruvapuri is about 3.0 KM from Siruvapuri Bus stand on Chennai – Kolkatta national High way. 13 KM from Ponneri railway Station, 18.2 KM from Redhills, 26 KM from Madhavaram Bus Terminus and 35 KM from Koyambedu bus terminus and Chennai Central Station.
Nearest Railway station is Ponneri.
Vamana - Vijayanagara iconic Herdsman - Rishis with mohini
Ramar - Narasimhar
Not the Koshta image - a billi - cat

Tirthankaras - in the thayar mandapam, how it came to a vishnu temple..?
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